Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Hiyah all!

It finally happened - I've graduated!
Yes, after four long years of attending VUC High School for adults, I had my last ever exam (( we'll, high school exam anyway )) .
The tradition of "students//studenter" as they are called here in Denmark, is that they get a special hat - a so called "studenterhue" right after they've passed their final exam. All year I've been saying that I didn't want one, but last moment my dad convinced me - and oh how I am happy that he did!
Friends and classmates write small messages in the hat, and there are different traditions of ways of wearing it - fx, if you party till dawn, a little cut should be made in the shade. There are loads of different rules, and no way José I can remember them all ;)

Anyway, I had the BEST day!
My dad came and celebrated with me; he'd brought a lot of flowers, Danish AND Swedish flags (( I ám a Swede at heart )) and alcohol-free strawberry champagne. I had the chance to chat with some of my classmates as well, and in general just had the best day ever. My dad insisted on taking me to a portrait photographer (( that wasn't uncomfortable at all, haha )) and later we had a lovely dinner at our favourite place.
A lot of people called, wrote and texted me all day - I felt very popular (( haha )) and of course, I was very glad that I ended my final exam with a B :)

Today I was out and celebrated with some classmates, and then later, I was together with Kasper aaaall day long. We had so much fun; loving and living life, going for a long walk whilst taking a lot of pictures, drinking tea and making a delicious dinner - well okay, Kasper cooked ;)
Tomorrow there's a final ceremony for all of the graduates and Friday I'm having a party for the old gang :)

Finally I can go on summer break with a clean conscious, free as a bird and happy as can be :)

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