Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Bless This Mess

Goodevening, dear Internet friends - how are you today?
My Wednesday has been wonderful; I had the day off, so I've been taking it easy,
doing my homework for tomorrow, coloured my hair...

... and then I did this. I often get very inspired by different pictures on Instagram and interior blogs I read,
and about an hour ago an idea got stuck in my head.
I have this small space between my windows, and every so often, I like to change the look of the otherwise small piece of boring and white wall. Currently, I'm so in love with blackboards and have them everywhere! My mum gave me this one a couple of weeks back, and I couldn't quite figure out where I wanted it. Today, however, it hit me: I wanted it in plain sight!
So I got my beloved toolbox out, measured up and hung the blackboard, decorated it with nice lights - and of course, as I do like a little clutter, some different prints to fill out the rest.

I really like the result; as said before, it's now in plain sight from my favorite spot on the couch,
and the chain of lights draws focus to the blackboard message.
"Bless this mess" is one of my favorite sayings, and it is really fitting for my little studio-haven.

No more posting from me today, but I hope you all are having a nice evening.
Remember to smile and be happy - it'll make your life that much better 

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